Raven Spirit (Medium View)

Artist's statement
Raven rising through a mist out of a canoe. This is a transformation design. On one side it represents a Raven
dancer: his arms outstretched, his hands
showing at the edges of his robe. He wears a Raven headdress. On the other side
it represents Raven, the Creator, the Giant who came from across the sea
to bring light and life to the people of the Northwest Coast. His wings are the robe of the dancer.
On his chest he carries his human face, which he wears when he wants to go
among the people. Together, this Raven/Man who travels the sea in a
canoe represents the spirit of the Haida, Tlingit, and Tsimsian people.
Certificate of Authenticity
This print is a limited edition
original serigraph. Working from Roberts original drawings and from a related
design he had painted on a drum, I cut rubylith stencils for the Raven, the
canoe, and the mist. This print combines all three elements. This print is one of an edition of 170 made on Arches Cover buff. Four proofs were printed on brown Sugikiwashi cedar
bark paper. The paper size of the Arches and Sugikiwashi is 19 inches wide and 23 inches tall. The image size is
16 inches wide and 18 inches tall. The prints were made with five screens; a gray, a red, a black, a green, and a white pearl printed in a blend
from very opaque to very transparent. The gray and the pearl blend have some
variation from print to print. A set of trial proofs were printed in 1998 on three different papers; beige Sugikawashi cedar bark paper, Stonehenge
natural and Stonehenge gray, for a total of 26 proofs. The paper size of the Sugikiwashi is 25 inches wide and 28
inches tall. The image size is 19 inches wide and 21 inches tall. These proofs were printed with variations on
the five colors finally chosen. This edition was printed by Paul Nicholson in 1999 with the assistance of the artist, Robert
©1999 Paul Nicholson and Robert Hewson
Paper: Arches Cover Buff
Size: 19" x 21" vertical
5 colors
170 in edition
Price: $130
Plus $10 shipping in the U.S.A.
Item #: 402
Unless otherwise noted, all images and text are:
© 2009 Chief Seattle Arts
Last modified: November 09, 2014