Order Form
Below you will find an order form. Please fill in the blanks and mail it
to us with a credit card number, check, or money order, and we will process your order as
fast as possible. You will recieve a confirmation notice within 24 hours stating the
status of your transaction and information regarding shipment. You can also call us at
(206) 780-2326 to leave your credit card number, expiration date, and exact name on your
card. Don't forget to leave us your email address so we can get back to you
with any questions.
First name ___________________________________________________________
Last name ____________________________________________________________
Middle initial _______
Street address ________________________________________________________
Additional address or Box # ___________________________________________
City __________________________________________________________________
State or Provence _____________________________________________________
Zip code __________________
Country ____________________________________________
Day Telephone ______________________________________
Evening Phone ______________________________________
Email address ______________________________________
IMPORTANT: Your package must be sent to a physical address. Please enter the shipping
address if it's different from the above.
Street address ________________________________________________________
Additional address or Box # ___________________________________________
City __________________________________________________________________
State or Provence _____________________________________________________
Zip code __________________
Country _____________________________________________
Day Telephone ______________________________________
Please go to item(s) that you wish to purchase, and write the title and
item number(s) into the boxes below.
Item: Title ______________________________________ Item# __________
Item: Title ______________________________________ Item# __________
Item: Title ______________________________________ Item# __________
Item: Title ______________________________________ Item# __________
Name as listed on card ______________________________________
Credit Card type ___________________________________________
Credit Card number ________________________________________
Expiration (month/year) ______________________________________
Please mail this form to:
Chief Seattle Arts
6621 NE Marshall Road
Bainbridge Island, WA 98110
Customer Service phone:

Customer Service email:

Thanks for shopping at Chief Seattle Arts!
We look forward to your order.